ThreeSixteen Church is all about Loving God & Loving People.
We strive to see the world as Jesus sees it, to love the world as Jesus loves it, and to bring the hope of Jesus into our community.


We believe in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus Christ the Son suffered in our place on the cross, that he died but rose again, that he now sits at the Father’s right hand until he returns to judge all people at the last day. We believe in the Holy Scriptures as the inspired and inerrant Word of God. We believe that by the grace of God every person has the ability and responsibility to choose between right and wrong, and that those who repent of their sin and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are justified by faith.
We believe that God not only counts believers as righteous, but that he makes them righteous, freeing them of sin’s dominion at conversion, purifying their hearts by faith and perfecting them in love at entire sanctification, and providing for their growth in grace at every stage of their spiritual life, enabling them through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to live a victorious life.


At ThreeSixteen Church, the atmosphere is always relaxed and casual. We typically start each service with a time of singing praises to God. We are a family friendly church of all ages with a contemporary feel. The music can be upbeat and celebratory at the start, but we also have times of quieter reflection for us to both personally and together enter into God’s presence. Prayer, the Word of God, and testimonies of what God is doing in our lives are also important times in our services. The Pastor will bring the message from scripture, which usually lasts between 20 – 30 Minutes. Our Service starts at 9:30am and usually is finished by 10:45am.


The Wesleyan Methodist Church of Australia is part of a world-wide evangelical denomination with ministries in USA, Britain, Canada and Australia as well as over 40 other countries.
In a very real sense the church owes its origin to the great spiritual awakening of the 18th century when God raised up John and Charles Wesley. The Wesleyan revival soon spread from England to America where churches were established, and extraordinary growth in spiritual and numerical strength took place. Methodism was initially a movement stressing evangelism and a closer walk with God. Wesley determined to do all he could to make disciples who grew in every aspect of their spiritual and practical life. This is what set the Methodists apart from many other movements at the time and led to real transformation of the church and society at large.
Early American Methodism was faithful to Wesley’s emphasis in doctrine and Christian conduct. However, Methodist ministers were pressured not to agitate for the abolition of slavery. Denied the right to exercise their consciences in this matter, many withdrew from the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1843 the Wesleyan Methodist Church grew out of this reform movement. Our denomination, therefore, did not have its beginnings over a doctrinal issue.

Early American Methodism was faithful to Wesley’s emphasis in doctrine and Christian conduct. However, Methodist ministers were pressured not to agitate for the abolition of slavery. Denied the right to exercise their consciences in this matter, many withdrew from the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1843 the Wesleyan Methodist Church grew out of this reform movement. Our denomination, therefore, did not have its beginnings over a doctrinal issue.

During the Second World War many Christians became acutely aware of the great spiritual needs of the Australian people and prayed for an awakening. Following an encounter by the Rev. Kingsley Ridgway, with an American Wesleyan serviceman, contact was made with the Wesleyan Methodist Church of America. After the literature was studied, an invitation was extended to the movement to open work in Australia and an encouraging, affirmative answer was received.
A handful of people attended services, and from this group sprang a movement burdened for “the spreading of Scriptural holiness across the land”. In 1947 the Inaugural Conference was held and a Bible College commenced. We currently have almost 100 churches spanning all Australian states.
In 1974, a group of believers started the first Wesleyan Methodist Church in Queensland in the living room of Rev Dr Don Hardgrave’s house. This group grew and eventually bought the property in Mackenzie, since then God has used ThreeSixteen Church to continue developing disciples and building the kingdom of God. We would love you to join us in the task of making disciples here at ThreeSixteen.

For further info see our denominational web site: wesleyan.org.au


Pastor Scott
Senior Pastor


Peter-John Gerber
Youth and Young Adults Director



We firmly believe that to fulfil the Great Commission to go and make Disciples, that we can only do this by living the Great Commandment of Loving God & Loving People.

God’s word is highly valued and the foundation upon which our lives are built, it is central to all we do. We encourage people to read it, meditate on it, & study it, to help them on their journey. Our emphasis on reading the Bible for your self is not about a religious exercise, or ticking a box on your spiritual checklist. It is about opening yourself up and allowing God’s word to speak to you. It is about reading, meditating, studying but it is also about applying what you have learned to your life. Allowing God’s word to transform you from the inside out, by the renewing of your mind. 
We value people, and offering people connection to a Godly Community where everyone belongs, and all people matter. We value & celebrate our unity together in Christ, as well as our diversity. As a family friendly church, we desire to make everyone feel at home, to have that sense of belonging. God has created us for relationship, for community, with Him, but also with each other. ThreeSixteen is a community that cares for each other, supports each other, and encourages each other.
Serving is an important part of ThreeSixteen, we believe God has gifted all disciples and it is our desire to create an environment where everyone is able to serve in their God given gifts. We place a high value on Equipping all people to do the great work God has planned for us to do, but we also want to be sensitive to the working of the Holy Spirit and Release those into the greater Kingdom work as well. How we serve is important and as leaders, God calls us to follow Christ’s example of Servanthood.
We value corporate times of Worship & Prayer, but we also believe and practice that Worship & Prayer are more then just our Sunday gatherings, it is about a lifestyle. A life that honours God in all that we do, think & say. We value our corporate gatherings, where we praise our Lord & Saviour, lift up our prayers together, and give honour to Him who is worthy. 
God’s call upon our lives is more then just conversion, but to become a Disciple. Discipleship is a life long journey together of transformation and renewal, it is about the whole surrender of our life to God’s Control. Here at ThreeSixteen, it is our desire to see everyone grow in their relationship with God and with each other. We encourage the development of Healthy Spiritual Habits, like daily devotional & prayer times, life group participation, accountability partners, mentoring relationships, retreats and more. We believe that the call to Discipleship is also a call to Holiness for as we are becoming more like Jesus, we are becoming more Holy. 


We believe that God extends His love to people of all ages, from all walks of life and from all nations and cultures and we treasure the contribution that each can make to the life of our church family.
While most people who come to our church service have already found a new life through Jesus, some are just starting out down the road of spiritual searching. If that’s you, then be assured that our open door definitely extends to you. Feel free to come and ask us questions during the time after a Sunday morning service or make an appointment to chat with Pastor Scott during the week. We’ll do our best to listen to your personal and spiritual needs and guide you in some of the next steps.

When you first arrive on a Sunday morning there should be someone to greet you. Make sure you allow plenty of time after the service to get to know us over a cup of tea or coffee. 

Dress in something that you find relaxing and comfortable. Smart casual is the norm. You’re welcome to get dressed up in something rather special but that’s not expected. Out of consideration for our church family, please dress modestly.